11 December 2013

Coriander Chutney Raita

 Guys, making a "raita" is simple: just mix the ingredients, refrigerate, and serve as a accompaniment with your dish you are serving. The beautiful part of raita is it's  freshness, carrying a "just made and refrigerated" sign! However, a good balance of taste needs to be maintained throughout, and to do that, you have to keep tasting and make the measurements as per your taste. The recipe we will be sharing today is a raita combined with none other than a coriander chutney. Make sure you use fresh yogurt, fresh coriander and fresh garlic for a better taste. You can enjoy it with a hot paratha, naan or enjoy it as quick evening snack- after all , it is healthy and good for diet! Happy Feasts to you all!

10 December 2013

Jam-rolled thin pancakes - A super-healthy kid friendly recipe

The beauty of thin pancakes is just incomparable to any other dishes- it's light, warm, delicate, slightly golden-brown in color, and lusciously irresistible in every way possible. Trying to tempt this irresistible dish means that you are just missing the best that you wish for! And to make things a little bit more easier for you- I bring to you the super healthy kid-friendly recipe of world's easiest but yummiest recipe of all. To make things interesting for your kids, try rolling the pancakes with a bit of fruit jam or your favorite filling inside. Enjoy, guys and Happy Feasts to you all!

26 November 2013

Yogurt Lemon Cake With Lemon Glazing On Top

Cakes are something I have been always afraid of! But when I saw the famous Donna Hay baking a cake in a cookery show on TV, it looked just simple, delicious and easy to prepare. This recipe is one of those: you just have to get the measurements right, pop all the ingredients in, manually mix the cake batter and let it bake. Yes, people it’s that simple! If you don’t believe me, try it, and experience the joy of baking, because it was never this simple. Happy feasting everyone!

21 November 2013

Chowmein ---Special lunchbox Recipe (This time it's CHINESE!)

I remember when I was in my school days, my mom used to pack our lunch boxes, and I use to groan at my everyday home-food tiffin packed, thinking about the day when my mom will give me some money so that I can buy food from our school cafeteria. Today I am a grown up, my mom doesn’t pack my lunch boxes, I am not in my school days, and now, I constantly groan at my canteen’s food, missing my special home-made lunch boxes prepared with so much love from mom. It’s funny how our perspectives change with time. Who thought I will be sharing a recipe someday on lunch boxes for kids, who will groan looking at the tiffin like I used to do when I was a child! Funny, how things work out with time. Hope you enjoy this recipe, and have it as a tiffin, lunch, family meal, and evening accompaniments -whichever you like. Because it’s CHOWMEIN I am talking about. A recipe loved by all, usually great for family gatherings. Hope you will enjoy it and Happy Feasts to you all!

Baked Chocolate Coated Donuts --- A healthier way to live life!

Guys. it's time we say "NO" to deep-fried donuts! Seems unbelievable, right? Can a donut be baked? Hell, yes! Not only that, but it would be that fluffy, but soft in light golden brown texture. You will soon agree to the fact that healthy food can be tastier than unhealthy ones once you have made and tasted this recipe of ours. You can just dust it with icing sugar, if you want so, but I coated it in melted chocolate and used colored sprinkles on the top to decorate. Plus, it can be a very good lunch box for you kids as well! Happy Feasts to you all, and enjoy!

17 November 2013

Creamy Fettucine Surprise (without cream) With Green Peas and Sweet Kernels

A creamy fettuccine without cream in it.. is that even possible and that too with no change in taste? Yes, it is possible and we are going to make a creamy white sauce substituting cream with some of noodles stock.Sounds crazy right? Try it you will love your pasta. Remember healthy cooking is always the smarter way to cook. Keep cooking guys, and happy feasts to you all!

16 November 2013

Banana Cake (It's just that simple!)

"Banana cake" is one of the simplest cake that is not only easy to bake, but also delicious to eat and is known as one of the popular cakes that is adored by all. The recipe is very simple: you cream butter and sugar together, mix in the dry ingredients and the wet ingredients, beat to make the cake batter and just pop in the oven to bake. Eat your delicious cake, dusting icing sugar on the top! All you need is keep your ingredients and measurements right! It's a great for tea-time or you could call it a great hungry stomach sweet snack. Hope you will love this delicious simple cake. But just think out of the box, can you not make another simple cake with a different fruit? Hell, yes! How about an apple or pineapple cake? Cake you make it, keeping this simple? Try it as well! Keep thinking guys while I will be back with some exciting recipes soon. Happy Feasts everyone!

13 November 2013

Fusion-Style Royal Green Fingers (My Version)

Fusion-food is what we say 're-creating something with style'. The recipe I am going to share is a fusion but in my style. When it comes to food, I always try to have my way, something that just stands out in taste, in looks. The basic idea of this recipe is "vegetarian green kebab" shared by one of my favorite celebrity chef sanjeev kapoor. My version of recipe has almost all the ingredients of that basic recipe, but with some extra twists. My recipe contains two keywords: 'royal', and 'Fusion'. It is 'royal' or 'shahi' as my version contains yogurt and nuts; and it is 'fusion' in a sense as it contains an essence of curry leaves, garlic, coriander, tamarind, and a hint of garam masala powder in the fingers. You can shape it in round kebabs, if desired! Try this out, its' a soft-centered, a bit sour in taste but a surprising blend of flavors of green peas, spinach and potatoes. Hope you will love it! Happy Feasts to you all!

11 November 2013

Yellow Butter Cake (Back to the basics)

Cakes are something we all love, and these days they are very common for any occasions. From a birthday to business occasions, cakes play a major role in all sorts of celebrations, which is present and fully accepted in every culture nowadays. Cake businesses are getting creative as they create designed theme cakes suitable for different occasions; but yet now we crave for that simple yellow butter cake just to enjoy it during our tea-time. Yellow butter cake is the cake that defines the clear definition of "simplicity at it's best"! Cake decorations are unique nowadays, but the cake inside it is that normal simple delicious cake we have it during our tea-time, however, the fact cannot be argued that it is being modified to what cake flavors we are supposed to serve in that cake. But the best method is always to stick to the basics and create something new out of it! However, today the recipe I am going to share is a basic, simple and lovely looking yellow butter cake, which is what you can say the basic butter cake recipe. Happy Feasts to you all!

7 November 2013

Garlic Pickled Vegetable Pasta (My Kitchen Adventure Recipe)

I have been in a restaurant lately, where they served a clear soup with burnt garlic flavor. It turned out to be great as I love everything about garlic - the taste, the aroma and the freshness! So, a question came to my mind  "if a garlic flavor in a soup can turn it so authentic, what wonders can a garlic pickle do?" I decided to take my chances, and make something good out if it. But that wasn't it! I was quite sure a vegetable soup with garlic pickle would taste great, so I decided to take a few more risks. First, I will make a pasta that has garlic pickle flavor in it, and that aroma will catch the essence of the entire dish. Second, I will convert that simple vegetable soup as a mild dressing for the pasta. Sounds weird, right? But trust me, its a taste that garlic-lovers can never forget! Some kitchen adventures are worth taking risks, and this recipe was no less than an adventure for me. Hope you will enjoy it too! HAPPY FEASTS to you all!

6 November 2013

FUN-FACED CHOCOLATE BROWNIE CAKE (Exclusive Kid-Friendly Cake Recipe)

Cakes, Brownies and chocolates have always been all kids' favorite! But, we elder ones aren't even too old for screaming with joy when we see a cake or chocolates. Some habits have no age. Whenever we see a cake or chocolate, we all probably start fighting like some innocent monsters to get the biggest piece possible or take the biggest bite! So, the recipe I am going to share today is taught by my mom and it's the best cake I have tasted yet now. It is chocolate brownie cake. My brother loves it and nudges me to bake it every time I bake a cake, and I have baked it so often that sometimes I get tired of baking the same old cake! But this damn old cake is what my friends and family gets never tired of! When I used to bake it at first, I used to make them in square tins and cut them in cubes, like normal brownies. Later, I decided to make it a bit more creative (for my nieces) with an idea of creating a fun face on top with cake decorations, which we call sweet balls. As you can see in the picture below, how it cake out to be. Try this, its fun, exciting and super yum!  Happy Feast everyone!

5 November 2013

Restaurant-style Buffalo Wings

Who doesn't love 'buffalo wings'? The delicious hot sauce coated all over the chicken wings makes you just lick your fingers after you are done having  it, and the recipe is so great you can't just eat just one! Maybe, it has a "no other side dish required" tag in it. Make yourself a bowl of these and enjoy! However, you can also try it with fried rice, where you can serve this dish as an accompaniment to your rice. This recipe is from a cookery show, but I can't remember which.But, I remember my dad's expression after taking the first bite saying "Did you really make these? Its' exactly like the one we had in  the restaurant the other day."Try this guys, you will love it, just like my family does! Happy Feasts to you all!

3 November 2013

Fettucine Alfredo (Restaurant-like)

"Fettucine Alfredo" - this is something I order every time I go to eat in an Italian restaurant, and the creaminess of the pasta sauce is just heaven. Despite the fact I have tried to make the same just  like the restaurant's, but never did I came so close. Yes, it is restaurant-like, and thanks to chef Sara Riaz for sharing the recipe in her cookery show, despite the fact that I made some minor changes to the recipe myself! Try it, enjoy and Happy Feast everyone!

2 November 2013

Spicy Sesame Noodles Salad with chopped peanuts and basil leaves

Well, it's quick, easy and simple.... what else do you need? A warm noodles salad with a burst of mild flavor mix of chilli, basil and sesame, which is served with chopped peanuts. Try it out and you will love every bit of it!

29 October 2013

Whole Fried Cauliflour

We all know how yummy cauliflour can be, especially when its' deep fried. Generally, what we do when when we deep fry cauliflour? We cut them is small florets and then dip in a batter and deep fry them in hot oil. But, did you ever try to fry it as a whole and relish its flavors with a crispy golden brown crust outside and soft cauliflour inside! This goes great with the Bhuna khichuri (which we shared the previous day) or hot steamed rice. I learned this from my mom. It's super easy and super yummy. Enjoy!

28 October 2013

Bhuna Khichuri (from the Basics)

Khichuri has been one of those traditional food which had been always our favorite! And when we talk about 'bhuna khichuri', the temptation of this having authentic food just have no limits. Preparing this food at home is very easy, all you need to do is follow the basic steps and relish the comforts of your homemade bhuna khichuri at any time of the day! This food goes very well with whole-fried cauliflower, sweet and sour bringal or eggplants, and chicken curry.  Try making it at home and enjoy! 

26 October 2013

Meaty Layered Pasta Casserole

I always loved pastas and get every excited to do something innovative every time I make them. This recipe is one of those, which I often try to make. This is my own dish with a layer of pasta below, meat in the middle, and another layer of pasta topped with homemade spicy tomato sauce, meat loaf strips and oregano! Well, this recipe has four different steps: making the sauce, cooking the minced beef, boiling the pasta and arranging it to the serving plate. The best part is you arrange it and tuck in your mouth, no need to bake! Hope that you will enjoy every bit of it.

25 October 2013

Chocolate Almond Fudge Cake

Who doesn't like chocolate cake, and that too when its' a fudge cake. It's a perfect cake for dark chocolate lovers, as it is not too sweet like other chocolate cake, and chocolate ganache frosting on the top just takes it too another level with layers of almond surprise!  This chocolate recipe is taken from a TV show prepared by Chef Sara Riaz, however, I added my own twist here i.e. the almonds! Try it and you will love it!

24 October 2013

Meat Loaf

Ahh.. Eid-Ul Adha has just been over!It has gifted us with so much happy memories accompanied by delicious feasts cooked by our loved ones. However, our refrigerator does still contain a large amount of beef, so why not make something with it? Try making this delicious meat loaf, which can be served with bread, paratha or as a sandwich (just add some cheese in it and grill)! This dish belongs to none other than the very great "Siddika Kabir", who had always been my second-most inspiration, when it comes to cooking.  Try making it and enjoy!

23 October 2013

Oatmeat Bars

These bars are chewy and my all-time favorite snack, which is easy to prepare and healthy to eat. It can be a quick tea-time snack. The best part that this healthy snack is KID-FRIENDLY!

22 October 2013

The Hungarian Shortbread

"This Shortbread is one of the yummiest food I have ever tasted and is one of my favorites  Its' crunchy outside texture and its buttery moist jelly-filled texture inside just makes it an extraordinary dessert! This recipe is based on one in Baking with Julia by Dorie Greenspan (Morrow, 1996)."