29 October 2013

Whole Fried Cauliflour

We all know how yummy cauliflour can be, especially when its' deep fried. Generally, what we do when when we deep fry cauliflour? We cut them is small florets and then dip in a batter and deep fry them in hot oil. But, did you ever try to fry it as a whole and relish its flavors with a crispy golden brown crust outside and soft cauliflour inside! This goes great with the Bhuna khichuri (which we shared the previous day) or hot steamed rice. I learned this from my mom. It's super easy and super yummy. Enjoy!

Required Ingredients:

1 cauliflour, washed and cleaned, meduim sized
5 tbsp all purpose flour
2 tbsp cornflour
1 egg
2 tbsp onions, finely chopped
2 or more green chillies, finely chopped
1/2 tsp white pepper powder
Water as required for the batter
Salt to taste

Required Instructions:

  1. Boil some water. Add salt to the boiling water and half boil the cauliflour. It won't take much time! Take it out from the water once it is done and drain excess water.
  2. In a wok, heat oil to deep fry.
  3. Now we form the batter. Add in flour, conflour, salt, egg, white pepper powder, onions, green chillies and mix well. Add in some water to form a thick and smooth batter. 
  4. Coat your cauliflour with the batter and pop it into the hot oil, facing the florets side downwards first. 
  5. Do not keep flipping it. Fry it at medium heat and flip when that side gets crispy and completely done. Flip it to the other side and let it fry as well.
  6. Take it out on a tissue and remove excess oil. Serve hot and cut it with the help of a knife. 
  7. Enjoy!

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