3 November 2013

Fettucine Alfredo (Restaurant-like)

"Fettucine Alfredo" - this is something I order every time I go to eat in an Italian restaurant, and the creaminess of the pasta sauce is just heaven. Despite the fact I have tried to make the same just  like the restaurant's, but never did I came so close. Yes, it is restaurant-like, and thanks to chef Sara Riaz for sharing the recipe in her cookery show, despite the fact that I made some minor changes to the recipe myself! Try it, enjoy and Happy Feast everyone!

Required Ingredients:

A) For The Pasta:

Fettucine Pasta: 2 cup
Salt: as required
Oil: as required for boiling +2tbsp for stir-frying the pasta
Oregano: 1/2 tsp
Rosemary: 1/4 tsp
Basil: 1/4 tsp
Nutmeg: a pinch (grated)
Red chilli flakes: 1/2 tsp 
Mushrooms: 1/4 cup (sliced)
Boiled chicken: 1/4 cup (cut in thin strips, not an inch in length)
Parsley leaves: for garnishing (chopped)

B) For making the white sauce:
Oil: 2 tbsp
All-purpose flour: 2 tbsp
Salt: 1/4 tsp
White pepper powder: 1/4 tsp
Mustard powder: 1/4 tsp
Milk: 2 cups
Cheddar or Kissan Cheese: 6 to 8 tbsp (sliced in thin cubes)
Cream: 1/2 cup

Required Instructions:
  1. In a large bowl, heat water enough to boil the pasta. Add salt and oil to it. Let it boil. Add Pasta to the boiling water, and once it is boiled, drain excess water and rinse with cold water. Keep it aside.
  2. In the meanwhile, make the white sauce:
    a) In a small bowl, add all the dry ingredients together: flour, white pepper powder, salt and           mustard powder. Keep it aside.
    b) Measure Milk, cream, and cheese in different bowl as well and keep it aside.
    c) Heat 2 tbsp of oil in a pan on medium heat. Do not over heat the oil. Once the oil is heated,          add in the dry ingredients that you have kept aside and keep stirring.Now add milk to it and          mix. On medium heat, let the sauce reduce but do keep stirring. Once it starts boiling, you turn
       off the heat. Mix in cheese and cream in the hot sauce and mix. Very soon it will be slightly          thick white sauce.
  3. Now all you need is stir-fry the noodles, toss it in the sauce and serve! Heat 2 tbsp of oil in a pan on medium heat, add in all the dried herbs: oregano, rosemary and basil. Stir and add in the mushrooms and chicken. Now add the boiled noodles, red chilli flakes, nutmeg and toss. Now add in the hot white sauce. Toss it well until the pasta is all covered with the sauce. Do not over toss it. Turn off the heat.
  4. Serve it on a nice serving dish and garnish with chopped parsley. Serve hot! 
Happy Feasts everyone! 

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