6 November 2013

FUN-FACED CHOCOLATE BROWNIE CAKE (Exclusive Kid-Friendly Cake Recipe)

Cakes, Brownies and chocolates have always been all kids' favorite! But, we elder ones aren't even too old for screaming with joy when we see a cake or chocolates. Some habits have no age. Whenever we see a cake or chocolate, we all probably start fighting like some innocent monsters to get the biggest piece possible or take the biggest bite! So, the recipe I am going to share today is taught by my mom and it's the best cake I have tasted yet now. It is chocolate brownie cake. My brother loves it and nudges me to bake it every time I bake a cake, and I have baked it so often that sometimes I get tired of baking the same old cake! But this damn old cake is what my friends and family gets never tired of! When I used to bake it at first, I used to make them in square tins and cut them in cubes, like normal brownies. Later, I decided to make it a bit more creative (for my nieces) with an idea of creating a fun face on top with cake decorations, which we call sweet balls. As you can see in the picture below, how it cake out to be. Try this, its fun, exciting and super yum!  Happy Feast everyone!

Required Ingredients:

A) For the cake: 

Butter: 200 g
Flour: 1 ¼ cup + as required for dusting the cake tin
Corn flour: ¼ cup
Baking Powder: 1tsp
Condensed milk: 1 tin
Caster Sugar: 1 cup
Vanilla essence: 1tsp
Cocoa powder: 6tbsp
Eggs: 4
Oil: for greasing the cake tin

B) For frosting: 

Chocolate: 40 grams (any milk chocolate or 2 mimi-chocolate)
Condensed milk: ¼ cup
Oil: 3 tbsp

C) For Decoration:

Cake decorations, Nuts, cherries (Whatever you desire)

Required Instructions:

A) To make the cake:

1. Grease the cake tin with oil and dust it with flour. Tap the cake tin upside down to get rid of the excess flour. Note that an 8 inch round cake tin is required for this cake!
2. Melt the butter in microwave completely and let it cool at room temperature for a while.
3. In a separate bowl, break the eggs and keep it aside to beat it later when all other ingredients are assembled together. Eggs and their yolks will be beaten together so no need to separate them.
4. In another dry bowl, sieve flour, corn flour, and baking powder and keep it aside as well.
5. Now, the butter is likely to be more likely in room temperature by this time. So, add cocoa powder, and vanilla essence to it and mix.
6. Measure a cup of sugar and keep it aside as well for further use. Open the tin of condensed milk and keep it aside as well.
7. Keep all these ingredients within your hands reach when you start beating your eggs.
8. Beat the eggs with yolks for exactly 20 minutes. Make sure you beat it for 20 minutes; the egg mixture will have a cream foamy texture by that time.

9. Once your egg mixture is ready, preheat the oven at 160 degree Celsius for 10 minutes.
10. While the oven get preheated, add sugar to the beaten egg mixture and beat it for some minutes until the sugar gets nicely incorporated in it. Now, add condensed milk and beat it for some time, until it is mixed well. Once the condensed milk is well beaten in, add the cocoa powder and butter mixture and beat it for a minute or two. After all the ingredients are mixed properly, add the dry ingredients (i.e. flour, baking powder, corn flour) to it, and beat it at the lowest speed possible for a minute or two. Now, use your spatula and use it to mix the ingredients using the ‘cut and fold’ mixing method.
11. The mixture would not be too thick or too runny! Once you mixed all the ingredients properly, pour the mixture to the cake tin. Do not over pour it! At least, keep one-fourth of the cake tin empty to let the cake rise. Bake it for 50 minutes, or until it is fully baked. Note that the smaller the cake tin, the less time it takes to bake.
12. Once the cake is bake, take it out of oven and let it cool down for a while. Use your knife to detach the sides of the cake from the cake tin and flip the cake tin onto the serving plate once it is cooled down.
13. Once the chocolate frosting is made, pour it hot over the cake, do not pre-make it as the frosting sets hard in just seconds!

B) To make the chocolate frosting:

1. Measure ¼ cup of condensed milk and keep it aside!
2. At first, add oil and chocolate in a pan. Turn on the heat. Melt it at medium heat and keep it stirring. Do not let it boil. Once the chocolate is melted and takes a glazy texture, turn off the heat and add the condensed milk. Keep it stirring until it is mixed properly and starts to bind altogether. It would be thick, but yet runny!
3. Now pour it hot over the cake and let it cool and set for some time. You can add colored sprinkles if you want to and create a fun face, but do it when the frosting is hot.
4. Once it is set and the cake is cooled at room temperature enough to be cut down, cut it in  any shape that pleases you and serve! You can have it with ice cream as well, just chill the cake in the freezer as well!


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