7 November 2013

Garlic Pickled Vegetable Pasta (My Kitchen Adventure Recipe)

I have been in a restaurant lately, where they served a clear soup with burnt garlic flavor. It turned out to be great as I love everything about garlic - the taste, the aroma and the freshness! So, a question came to my mind  "if a garlic flavor in a soup can turn it so authentic, what wonders can a garlic pickle do?" I decided to take my chances, and make something good out if it. But that wasn't it! I was quite sure a vegetable soup with garlic pickle would taste great, so I decided to take a few more risks. First, I will make a pasta that has garlic pickle flavor in it, and that aroma will catch the essence of the entire dish. Second, I will convert that simple vegetable soup as a mild dressing for the pasta. Sounds weird, right? But trust me, its a taste that garlic-lovers can never forget! Some kitchen adventures are worth taking risks, and this recipe was no less than an adventure for me. Hope you will enjoy it too! HAPPY FEASTS to you all!

Required Ingredients:

A) For the Pasta:

Pasta: 3 cups 
Salt: as required to boil + to stir fry
Oil: 1 tsp in boiling water + 2 tbsp to stir fry
Mixed herbs: 1/2 tsp
Coriander leaves (chopped): for garnish
Garlic (chopped): 4 tsp
Carrot: 1 medium-sized, peeled and cut in thin slices
Cabbage: 1/2 cup
Spring Onions: 3 stalks (chopped)
White pepper powder: 1/4 tsp
Red chilli flakes: 2 tsp
Sugar: 1 tsp

B) For the dressing:

Chicken or vegetable stock: 1 cube ( dissolved in 1/2 cup of hot water)
Garlic Pickle: 4 tbsp
Green chillies: 4 (cut from between)
Vinegar: 2 tbsp
Capsicum:  2 tsp (chopped)
Ginger (chopped): 3 tsp
Oil: 1 tbsp

Required Instructions:
  1. Soak vinegar and capsicum in air tight container, and refrigerate it for about 15 minutes or more. 
  2. Heat water to boil pasta. Add in oil and salt to it. When the water starts boiling, add in the pasta. Wait until it is perfectly boiled, and then drain excess water and rinse with cold water. Keep it aside for further use.
  3. Now, make the dressing. In a pan, add some oil. Heat it and add the ginger. When the ginger starts releasing it's flavors,  add the chicken stock and the green chillies. Mix them. Cook in medium heat. Add in  the soaked capsicum and vinegar mixture, plus the garlic pickle. Mix them well. Turn your heat off, once it starts boiling properly. Keep it aside.
  4. Now, stir fry the pasta, toss in the dressing and serve hot! First, heat some oil to stir fry. Add in garlic and wait for it too release its flavors. Add in the pasta, the vegetables, mixed herbs, spring onions, red chilli flakes, sugar and white pepper powder and salt and mix. Remember your dressing contains salt in the stock, so balance your flavors. Mix them well on high flame. Don't burn them. Add in about 2 tbsp of the dressing in it and stir. Once it is done, turn off the heat.
  5. Serve the pasta on the serving bowl and add the dressing. Garnish with coriander leaves and enjoy you pickled pasta.

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