11 November 2013

Yellow Butter Cake (Back to the basics)

Cakes are something we all love, and these days they are very common for any occasions. From a birthday to business occasions, cakes play a major role in all sorts of celebrations, which is present and fully accepted in every culture nowadays. Cake businesses are getting creative as they create designed theme cakes suitable for different occasions; but yet now we crave for that simple yellow butter cake just to enjoy it during our tea-time. Yellow butter cake is the cake that defines the clear definition of "simplicity at it's best"! Cake decorations are unique nowadays, but the cake inside it is that normal simple delicious cake we have it during our tea-time, however, the fact cannot be argued that it is being modified to what cake flavors we are supposed to serve in that cake. But the best method is always to stick to the basics and create something new out of it! However, today the recipe I am going to share is a basic, simple and lovely looking yellow butter cake, which is what you can say the basic butter cake recipe. Happy Feasts to you all!

Required Ingredients:

4 eggs
200 grams or 1 cup butter (melted and brought to room temperature)
1 cup Caster sugar
2 tbsp Milk Powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1/4 tsp yellow color (optional)
1 and 1/4 cup all- purpose flour
1/4 cup cup cornflour

Required Instructions:
  1. Separate egg whites and yolks in two different bowls. Note that if a drop of yolk or water is is in the egg whites, when you beat it wont be a fluffy and stiff foam. So, make sure you have no water or yolks mixed with the whites.
  2. In the bowl you kept yolks, add vanilla essence and yellow color. Mix them properly.
  3. Now, sift all the dry ingredients in a large bowl i.e. flour, cornflour, baking powder and milk powder.
  4. Measure sugar and keep is aside for further use. Do the same for butter, but in a different bowl.
  5. Now, preheat the oven at 160 degree-celsius and grease your 8 inch cake tin with some oil or butter.
  6. Now make the cake batter. First, beat the egg whites at HIGH speed until it becomes all smooth, fluffy, stiff and foamy  in texture. Now, add the sugar in it and beat at the same speed. Your eggs will have soft white fluffy foam in texture, once the sugar get incorporated with egg white foam. Add in the egg yolks mixture and beat just enough to mix them all properly. Add half the butter, and half the sifted dry ingredients and fold using a spatula. Once they are mixed properly, add the rest half of both and fold. Your batter will be all smooth looking, and a not so thick or no so runny in texture.
  7. Now, pour the cake batter in the cake tin and tap it to even it out. Pop it into the oven for 30 to 40 minutes or until it is completely baked. Note that oven temperature varies from oven to oven, so time taken to bake can also vary, so keep a close watch on your cake when your baking.
  8. Once you cake is ready, let it cool down and the flip it on a plate and cut it your desired shapes. 

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