13 November 2013

Fusion-Style Royal Green Fingers (My Version)

Fusion-food is what we say 're-creating something with style'. The recipe I am going to share is a fusion but in my style. When it comes to food, I always try to have my way, something that just stands out in taste, in looks. The basic idea of this recipe is "vegetarian green kebab" shared by one of my favorite celebrity chef sanjeev kapoor. My version of recipe has almost all the ingredients of that basic recipe, but with some extra twists. My recipe contains two keywords: 'royal', and 'Fusion'. It is 'royal' or 'shahi' as my version contains yogurt and nuts; and it is 'fusion' in a sense as it contains an essence of curry leaves, garlic, coriander, tamarind, and a hint of garam masala powder in the fingers. You can shape it in round kebabs, if desired! Try this out, its' a soft-centered, a bit sour in taste but a surprising blend of flavors of green peas, spinach and potatoes. Hope you will love it! Happy Feasts to you all!

Required Ingredients:

1 cup spinach (Blanched, and chopped)
1/2 cup green peas (shelled and blanched)
4 medium sized potatoes (boiled and mashed)
1/4 cup coriander leaves (roughly chopped)
2 tbsp curry leaves (chopped)
5-6 stalks of spring onions (coarsely chopped)
5 cloves of garlic (coarsely chopped)
2 inch piece ginger (coarsely chopped)
6 green chilies (chopped)
2 tbsp Yogurt
4 tbsp lemon juice
2-3 tsp sugar or as required
1 tbsp HP sauce
1 tsp garam masala powder
1 tsp chaat masala
1/2 tsp chilli flakes
2 tbsp cornflour
salt, to taste
3/4 cup nuts (finely chopped almonds, pistachios, and raisins)
Oil, to deep fry the dinger and shallow fry the nuts
Biscuit finely crushed, to coat
Egg, as required  to coat (beaten)

Required Instructions:

  1. In a mortar, grind spinach, peas, coriander leaves, curry leaves, spring onions, ginger, garlic and green chillies in a fine paste. 
  2. In a pan, add some oil to shallow fry the chopped nuts. Once they are golden brown in color, take them out and keep aside.
  3. In a large bowl, mash the potatoes. Add in the green paste you made. Add in the nuts, yogurt and lemon juice and mix well. Now add garam masala powder, cornflour, chilli flakes, HP sauce, chaat masala, sugar and salt. Now mix them well.
  4. Shape them in finger shaped kebabs or round kebabs. Dip them in a beaten egg and roll them on the biscuit crumbs and keep on a dry tray.
  5. Now, heat some to deep fry in a wok. On high flame, deep fry the green fingers in golden brown color.
  6. Serve hot with a tamarind chutney. Enjoy!
Happy Feasts Everyone!

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