10 December 2013

Jam-rolled thin pancakes - A super-healthy kid friendly recipe

The beauty of thin pancakes is just incomparable to any other dishes- it's light, warm, delicate, slightly golden-brown in color, and lusciously irresistible in every way possible. Trying to tempt this irresistible dish means that you are just missing the best that you wish for! And to make things a little bit more easier for you- I bring to you the super healthy kid-friendly recipe of world's easiest but yummiest recipe of all. To make things interesting for your kids, try rolling the pancakes with a bit of fruit jam or your favorite filling inside. Enjoy, guys and Happy Feasts to you all!

Required Ingredients:

3 eggs
1 and 1/2 cup milk, at room temperature
5 tbsp sugar
1/2 tbsp + 1/2 tsp rose or kewra water
a pinch of yellow color
1 and 1/2 cup of all-purpose flour
Jam as required

Required Instructions:
  1. First we need make the batter for thin pancakes. So take a bowl. Add in egg, milk, rose water sugar, yellow color and  beat with an electric beater to mix them well. Now, add in the flour and beat at a low speed. A batter not so thick, but a thin thick textured batter would be ready. With the help of a strainer strain the batter to avoid lumps. Your batter is ready.
  2. Now, in a small bowl, take some small amount of jam and microwave it for 10 seconds. After microwaving it, you will see the jam would get a bot soft and a little thin. Use you spoon to mix the jam properly and  bring it to the same texture. Keep it ready, because you will be rolling your hot pancakes with jam filling, once they are ready.
  3. Now, heat a non stick pan on medium heat. Use a tissue paper to grease oil on the pan. Don't pour oil directly! Now with a small ladle pour some of the batter in the medium-hot pan on medium heat.Tilt sideways so the batter spreads through-out the pan. Flip the pancakes when one-side is done and when its ready take it out on a plate. Pour in about a half teaspoon of jam in it and roll it and serve!
Happy Feasts to you all!

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