29 October 2013

Whole Fried Cauliflour

We all know how yummy cauliflour can be, especially when its' deep fried. Generally, what we do when when we deep fry cauliflour? We cut them is small florets and then dip in a batter and deep fry them in hot oil. But, did you ever try to fry it as a whole and relish its flavors with a crispy golden brown crust outside and soft cauliflour inside! This goes great with the Bhuna khichuri (which we shared the previous day) or hot steamed rice. I learned this from my mom. It's super easy and super yummy. Enjoy!

28 October 2013

Bhuna Khichuri (from the Basics)

Khichuri has been one of those traditional food which had been always our favorite! And when we talk about 'bhuna khichuri', the temptation of this having authentic food just have no limits. Preparing this food at home is very easy, all you need to do is follow the basic steps and relish the comforts of your homemade bhuna khichuri at any time of the day! This food goes very well with whole-fried cauliflower, sweet and sour bringal or eggplants, and chicken curry.  Try making it at home and enjoy! 

26 October 2013

Meaty Layered Pasta Casserole

I always loved pastas and get every excited to do something innovative every time I make them. This recipe is one of those, which I often try to make. This is my own dish with a layer of pasta below, meat in the middle, and another layer of pasta topped with homemade spicy tomato sauce, meat loaf strips and oregano! Well, this recipe has four different steps: making the sauce, cooking the minced beef, boiling the pasta and arranging it to the serving plate. The best part is you arrange it and tuck in your mouth, no need to bake! Hope that you will enjoy every bit of it.

25 October 2013

Chocolate Almond Fudge Cake

Who doesn't like chocolate cake, and that too when its' a fudge cake. It's a perfect cake for dark chocolate lovers, as it is not too sweet like other chocolate cake, and chocolate ganache frosting on the top just takes it too another level with layers of almond surprise!  This chocolate recipe is taken from a TV show prepared by Chef Sara Riaz, however, I added my own twist here i.e. the almonds! Try it and you will love it!

24 October 2013

Meat Loaf

Ahh.. Eid-Ul Adha has just been over!It has gifted us with so much happy memories accompanied by delicious feasts cooked by our loved ones. However, our refrigerator does still contain a large amount of beef, so why not make something with it? Try making this delicious meat loaf, which can be served with bread, paratha or as a sandwich (just add some cheese in it and grill)! This dish belongs to none other than the very great "Siddika Kabir", who had always been my second-most inspiration, when it comes to cooking.  Try making it and enjoy!

23 October 2013

Oatmeat Bars

These bars are chewy and my all-time favorite snack, which is easy to prepare and healthy to eat. It can be a quick tea-time snack. The best part that this healthy snack is KID-FRIENDLY!

22 October 2013

The Hungarian Shortbread

"This Shortbread is one of the yummiest food I have ever tasted and is one of my favorites  Its' crunchy outside texture and its buttery moist jelly-filled texture inside just makes it an extraordinary dessert! This recipe is based on one in Baking with Julia by Dorie Greenspan (Morrow, 1996)."